Kevin M. Ozan - Insider Trading & Ownership

Mcdonald's Corporation, 2915 Jorie Boulevard, Oak Brook, IL
The estimated net worth of Kevin M. Ozan is at least $11.1M dollars as of January 3, 2025. Kevin M. Ozan is the SEVP - Strategic Initiatives of MCDONALDS CORP and owns shares of MCDONALDS CORP (MCD) stock worth about $10.7M. Kevin M. Ozan is the Director of MCKESSON CORP and owns shares of MCKESSON CORP (MCK) stock worth about $210K. Kevin M. Ozan is the Director of HERSHEY CO and owns shares of HERSHEY CO (HSY) stock worth about $158K.
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Ownership of Kevin M. Ozan

Insider Transactions Reported by Kevin M. Ozan:

* An asterisk sign (*) next to the price indicates that the price is likely invalid.