William R. McDermott - Insider Trading & Ownership

2225 Lawson Lane, Santa Clara, CA
The estimated net worth of William R. McDermott is at least $355M dollars as of November 21, 2024. William R. McDermott is the Chairman & CEO, Director of ServiceNow, Inc. and owns shares of ServiceNow, Inc. (NOW) stock worth about $354M. William R. McDermott is the Director of Zoom Video Communications, Inc. and owns shares of Zoom Communications, Inc. (ZM) stock worth about $727K. William R. McDermott is the Director of Fisker Inc./DE and owns shares of Fisker Inc./DE (FSRNQ) stock worth about $610K.
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Ownership of William R. McDermott

Insider Transactions Reported by William R. McDermott:

* An asterisk sign (*) next to the price indicates that the price is likely invalid.