Cantor Fitzgerald Income Trust, Inc.

Ownership Transactions Reported by 2 Insiders

110 East 59 Th Street, New York, NY

There are no Buy or Sell transactions made by insiders since 12/22/2023

Cantor Fitzgerald Income Trust, Inc. executives and other stock owners filed with the SEC include:

Name Relationship Holdings Value Past Year Net Change Change % Report Date
Howard W. Lutnick Chairman and CEO, Director $1.87M Jun 1, 2022
Paul Pion Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, Director Apr 11, 2023

Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals for Cantor Fitzgerald Income Trust, Inc.

Insider Symbol Class Transaction % Value $ * Price $ Shares Shares Owned Date Ownership
* An asterisk sign (*) next to the price indicates that the price is likely invalid.