LeVasseur Capital Partners LLC

13F Filings History

Latest 13F report
Q3 2016 - Nov 14, 2016
Value $
Signature - Title
Carl E. Spangler, Jr. - Chief Financial Officer, Chief Compliance Officer
Newport Beach, CA
This page shows a list of all the recent 13F filings made by LeVasseur Capital Partners LLC. Form 13F is required to be filed within 45 days of the end of a calendar quarter. LeVasseur Capital Partners LLC reported 8 stock holdings with total value $71.4M as of Q3 2016. Top holdings included INFO, AMT, FLT, TDG, and CSC.
Holdings Value

List of Other Managers Reporting for LeVasseur Capital Partners LLC:

Name Holdings Value Location File Number
LeVasseur Gilbert E Jr $0 Newport Beach, CA 028-12209