13F Filings History

Latest 13F report
Q3 2014 - Oct 14, 2014
Value $
Signature - Title
Lance Helfert - CCO
Montecito, CA
This page shows a list of all the recent 13F filings made by WEST COAST ASSET MANAGEMENT INC. Form 13F is required to be filed within 45 days of the end of a calendar quarter. WEST COAST ASSET MANAGEMENT INC reported 33 stock holdings with total value $53.6M as of Q3 2014. Top holdings included JNJ, KMB, MSFT, AAPL, and CLX.
Holdings Value
Quarter Holdings Value $ Bought Sold Net Top Holdings Form Type Date Filed
Q3 2014 33 $53.6M +$68K -$3.29M -$3.22M JNJ, KMB, MSFT, AAPL, CLX 13F-HR 10/14/2014, 01:33 PM
Q2 2014 33 $56.8M +$12.5M -$601K +$11.9M TAP, JNJ, KMB, MSFT, AAPL 13F-HR 8/11/2014, 07:26 PM
Q1 2014 13 $45.5M $0 -$23.6M -$23.6M JNJ, TAP, KMB, MSFT, CLX 13F-HR 5/14/2014, 05:37 PM
Q4 2013 15 $66.6M $0 $0 TAP, JNJ, KMB, CLX, BR 13F-HR 1/30/2014, 06:53 PM