Richard W. Siedel Jr. - Insider Trading & Ownership

C/O The Rmr Group Llc, Two Newton Pl., 255 Wash. St., Ste. 300, Newton, MA
The estimated net worth of Richard W. Siedel Jr. is at least $424K dollars as of July 26, 2024. Richard W. Siedel Jr. is the CFO and Treasurer of DIVERSIFIED HEALTHCARE TRUST and owns shares of DIVERSIFIED HEALTHCARE TRUST (DHC) stock worth about $207K. Richard W. Siedel Jr. is the VP & Chief Accounting Officer of Sensata Technologies Holding plc and owns shares of Sensata Technologies Holding plc (ST) stock worth about $149K. Richard W. Siedel Jr. is the CFO and Treasurer of Industrial Logistics Properties Trust and owns shares of Industrial Logistics Properties Trust (ILPT) stock worth about $68.9K.
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