Dean Junkans - Insider Trading & Ownership

1166 Avenue Of The Americas, 30 Th Floor, New York, NY
The estimated net worth of Dean Junkans is at least $139K dollars as of February 13, 2024. Dean Junkans is the Director of COHEN & STEERS QUALITY INCOME REALTY FUND INC and owns shares of COHEN & STEERS QUALITY INCOME REALTY FUND INC (RQI) stock worth about $55.8K. Dean Junkans is the Director of COHEN & STEERS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND INC and owns shares of COHEN & STEERS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND INC (UTF) stock worth about $25K. Dean Junkans is the Director of Cohen & Steers Real Estate Opportunities & Income Fund and owns shares of Cohen & Steers Real Estate Opportunities & Income Fund (RLTY) stock worth about $24.4K. Dean Junkans is the Director of Cohen & Steers Ltd Duration Preferred & Income Fund, Inc. and owns shares of Cohen & Steers Ltd Duration Preferred & Income Fund, Inc. (LDP) stock worth about $20.6K. Dean Junkans is the Director of COHEN & STEERS TOTAL RETURN REALTY FUND INC and owns shares of COHEN & STEERS TOTAL RETURN REALTY FUND INC (RFI) stock worth about $13K.
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Ownership of Dean Junkans

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