Stephens Group, LLC - Insider Trading & Ownership

100 River Bluff Drive, Suite 500, Little Rock, AR
The estimated value of insider holdings of Stephens Group, LLC is at least $127M dollars as of May 29, 2024. Stephens Group, LLC is the 10%+ Owner of CS Disco, Inc. and owns shares of CS Disco, Inc. (LAW) stock worth about $59.2M. Stephens Group, LLC is the 10%+ Owner of Westrock Coffee Co and owns shares of Westrock Coffee Co (WEST) stock worth about $52.6M. Stephens Group, LLC is the 10%+ Owner of CONNS INC and owns shares of CONNS INC (CONNQ) stock worth about $14.8M.
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Ownership of Stephens Group, LLC

Insider Transactions Reported by Stephens Group, LLC:

* An asterisk sign (*) next to the price indicates that the price is likely invalid.