Sculptor Capital Management, Inc. - Insider Trading & Ownership

9 West 57 Th Street Fl 39, New York, NY
The estimated value of insider holdings of Sculptor Capital Management, Inc. is at least $20.7M dollars as of March 6, 2023. Sculptor Capital Management, Inc. is the 10%+ Owner of Grove Collaborative Holdings, Inc. and owns shares of Grove Collaborative Holdings, Inc. (GROV) stock worth about $17.4M. Sculptor Capital Management, Inc. is the 10%+ Owner of Disruptive Acquisition Corp I and owns shares of Disruptive Acquisition Corp I stock worth about $3.3M.
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Ownership of Sculptor Capital Management, Inc.

Insider Transactions Reported by Sculptor Capital Management, Inc.:

* An asterisk sign (*) next to the price indicates that the price is likely invalid.