Id | Content |
F1 | The notional shares convert on a one-for-one basis. |
F2 | All contributions to the reporting person's EDIP Stock Fund are immediately vested. Upon termination of employment, the EDIP Stock Fund balance is settled in shares of Envista common stock. |
F3 | Represents the Company's annual contribution to the Envista stock fund (the "EDIP Stock Fund") in the reporting person's Executive Deferred Incentive Program (the "EDIP") account. The Company contributions are deemed to be invested in a number of unfunded, notional shares of Envista common stock, calculated by dividing the contribution amount by the closing price of Envista common stock as reported on the NYSE as of the last trading day of the prior year. The price shown in Table II, Column 8 is the closing price per share of Envista common stock as reported on the NYSE on the date the contribution was actually made (or the closing price for the immediately preceding business day, if such date is not a business day). |