Id | Content |
F1 | The price is the weighted average price for the common units reported on this line. The range of prices from the transactions reported on this line is between $5.77 and $5.86. Complete infomration regarding the number of common units purchased at each separate price will be provided upon request by the Commission Staff, the Issuer or a security holder of the Issuer. |
F2 | 2,000 of these units are owned jointly by the Reporting Person and his spouse, Cindy Collingsworth. |
F3 | The price is the weighted average price for the common units reported on this line. The range of prices from the transactions reported on this line is between $5.79 and $5.86. Complete information regarding the number of common units purchased at each separate price will be provided upon request by the Commission Staff, the Issuer or a security holder of the Issuer. |
F4 | The units reported on this line are held jointly by the Reporting Person's spouse and sister-in-law. |
F5 | The units reported on this line are held by the Reporting Person's spouse. |