Warburg Pincus (E&P) XII, L.P. - Oct 6, 2022 Form 4 Insider Report for EARTHSTONE ENERGY INC (ESTE)

10%+ Owner
Warburg Pincus (E&P) XII, L.P., By: Warburg Pincus & Company US, LLC, By: /s/ Robert B. Knauss, Authorized Signatory
Stock symbol
Transactions as of
Oct 6, 2022
Transactions value $
Form type
Date filed
10/11/2022, 08:52 PM
Previous filing
Aug 19, 2022
Next filing
Aug 8, 2023

Transactions Table

Type Sym Class Transaction Value $ Shares Change % * Price $ Shares After Date Ownership Footnotes
transaction ESTE Class A Common Stock, par value $0.001 per share Sale -$98.4M -6.75M -34.38% $14.58 12.9M Oct 6, 2022 See footnotes F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10
* An asterisk sign (*) next to the price indicates that the price is likely invalid.

Explanation of Responses:

Id Content
F1 Following the transaction reported herein, and reflecting the forfeiture to the Issuer for no consideration of 56,579 shares that were held in escrow, the shares include 1,039,611 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, Warburg Pincus Private Equity (E&P) XI-A, L.P. ("WP E&P XI A"), 79,937 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, Warburg Pincus XI (E&P) Partners-A, L.P. ("WP XI E&P Partners A"), 1,012,822 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, WP IRH Holdings, L.P. ("WP IRH Holdings"), 28,086 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, Warburg Pincus XI (E&P) Partners-B IRH, LLC ("WP XI E&P Partners B IRH"), 1,556,826 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, WP Energy IRH Holdings, L.P. ("WPE IRH Holdings"), 127,467 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, WP Energy Partners IRH Holdings, L.P. ("WPE Partners IRH Holdings") and 49,690 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of,
F2 (cont. from footnote 1) Warburg Pincus Energy (E&P) Partners-B IRH, LLC ("WPE E&P Partners B IRH"), 256,498 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, Warburg Pincus Energy (E&P) Partners-A, L.P. ("WPE E&P Partners A"), 4,246,874 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, Warburg Pincus Energy (E&P)-A, L.P. ("WPE E&P A"), 1,153,322 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, WP Energy Chisholm Holdings, L.P. ("WPE Chisholm Holdings"), 94,429 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, WP Energy Partners Chisholm Holdings, L.P. ("WPEP Chisholm Holdings"), 36,812 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, Warburg Pincus Energy (E&P) Partners-B Chisholm, LLC ("WPE E&P Partners B Chisholm"),
F3 (cont. from footnote 2) 1,169,806 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, Warburg Pincus Private Equity (E&P) XII (A), L.P. ("WP PE E&P XII"), 1,668,972 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, WP XII Chisholm Holdings, L.P. ("WP XII Chisholm Holdings"), 18,310 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, Warburg Pincus XII (E&P) Partners-2 Chisholm, LLC ("WP XII E&P Partners 2 Chisholm"), 28,073 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, Warburg Pincus Private Equity (E&P) XII-D (A), L.P. ("WP PE E&P XII D"),
F4 (cont. from footnote 3) 42,477 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, Warburg Pincus Private Equity (E&P) XII-E (A), L.P. ("WP PE E&P XII E"), 76,504 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, WP XII (E&P) Partners (A), L.P. ("WP XII E&P Partners A") and 196,861 shares held of record by, or for the benefit of, Warburg Pincus XII (E&P) Partners-1, L.P. ("WP XII E&P Partners 1") (collectively, the "Holders").
F5 Warburg Pincus Energy (E&P) Partners-B, L.P. ("WPE E&P Partners B") is the managing member of WPE E&P Partners B Chisholm and the general partner of WPE E&P Partners B IRH. Warburg Pincus (E&P) Energy GP, L.P. ("WP E&P Energy GP") is the general partner of WPE E&P A, WPE E&P Partners A, WPE E&P Partners B, WPE IRH Holdings, WPE Partners IRH Holdings, WPE Chisholm Holdings and WPEP Chisholm Holdings. Warburg Pincus (E&P) Energy LLC ("WPE E&P Energy LLC") is the general partner of WP E&P Energy GP.
F6 Warburg Pincus XI (E&P) Partners - B, L.P. ("WP XI E&P Partners B") is the general partner of WP XI E&P Partners B IRH. Warburg Pincus (E&P) XI, L.P. ("WP XI E&P GP") is the general partner of WP E&P XI A, WP XI E&P Partners A, WP IRH Holdings, and WP XI E&P Partners B. Warburg Pincus (E&P) XI LLC ("WP XI E&P GP LLC") is the general partner of WP XI E&P GP. Warburg Pincus Partners (E&P) XI LLC ("WPP E&P XI") is the managing member of WP XI E&P GP LLC.
F7 Warburg Pincus XII (E&P) Partners-2, L.P. ("WP XII E&P Partners 2") is the managing member of WP XII E&P Partners 2 Chisholm. Warburg Pincus (E&P) XII, L.P. ("WP E&P XII") is the general partner of WP XII E&P Partners 2, WP PE E&P XII, WP XII Chisholm Holdings, WP PE E&P XII D, WP PE E&P XII E, WP XII E&P Partners A and WP XII E&P Partners 1. Warburg Pincus (E&P) XII LLC ("WP E&P XII LLC") is the general partner of WP E&P XII.
F8 Warburg Pincus Partners II (US), L.P. ("WPP II US") is the managing member of WPP E&P XI, WP E&P XII LLC and WPE E&P Energy LLC. Warburg Pincus & Company US, LLC ("WP & Co. US LLC") is the general partner of WPP II US. Warburg Pincus LLC ("WP LLC") is a registered investment adviser, and the manager of WP PE E&P XII, WP PE E&P XII D, WP PE E&P XII E, WP XII E&P Partners 1, WP XII E&P Partners A, WP E&P XI A, WP XI E&P Partners A, WP XI E&P Partners B, WPE E&P Partners A, WPE E&P Partners B and WPE E&P A.
F9 Each Holder and each of WPE E&P Partners B, WP E&P Energy GP, WPE E&P Energy LLC, WP XI E&P Partners B, WP XI E&P GP, WP XI E&P GP LLC, WPP E&P XI, WP XII E&P Partners 2, WP E&P XII, WP E&P XII LLC, WPP II US, WP & Co. US LLC and WP LLC (collectively, the "Parent Entities" and, together with the Holders, the "Reporting Entities") directly (whether through ownership or position) or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, may be deemed for purposes of Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, to be the indirect beneficial owner of some or all of the shares owned by the Holders and, therefore, a "ten percent holder" hereunder.
F10 Each Holder and each Parent Entity disclaims beneficial ownership of the securities reported herein, except to the extent of its pecuniary interest therein, and, with respect to each of the Holders, except to the extent of its respective direct ownership reported herein, and this report shall not be deemed an admission that the Reporting Persons are the beneficial owners of such securities for purposes of Section 16 or for any other purposes.


Due to the limitations of the electronic filing system, certain Reporting Entities are filing a separate Form 4.