Q2 2023 13F Holdings Report, Restatement, Stock Holdings

Signature - Title
Santiago Donoso - CEO Provida
Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Holdings as of
June 30, 2023
Value $
Num holdings
Date filed
2/7/2024, 05:23 PM
All US holdings of this investor are reported in this report. Request for Confidential Treatment (8/10/2023): Confidential Treatment Expired on 12/1/2023. The Form 13F report requires disclosure of the manager that files the report, the name and class of the security, the CUSIP code, the number of shares as of the end of the calendar quarter for which the report is filed, and the total market value. The market value column should not be used as a substitute for Assets Under Management (AUM), as it does not include cash held in accounts.
Previous filing
Q1 2023 - May 15, 2023
Next filing
Q3 2023 - Feb 5, 2024
Filing 2023 Q2 - Restatement compared to 2023 Q1 by default.
* Reported Price is the price of the security as of the portfolio date. This value is significant in that it is the last known price at which the security was still held.
An asterisk sign (*) next to the price indicates that the price is likely invalid.

This filing lists securities holdings reported on the form 13F filed on 08-10-2023 pursuant to a request for confidential treatment and for which confidential treatment expired on 12-01-2023.

Person Signing this Report on Behalf of Reporting Manager:

Name Title City, State Date
Santiago Donoso CEO Provida Santiago, Chile 2/7/2024

This Amendment No. 3 to the Reporting Persons Form 13F for the quarter ended June 30, 2023, is being filed to correct the explanatory note included in Amendment No. 2. Such note should have read: On August 10, 2023, the Reporting Person filed its Form 13F Holdings Report for the quarter ended June 30, 2023 separately and confidentially with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, under a request for confidential treatment. However, the Reporting Person did not file a public Form 13F at that time, and instead filed an initial public Form 13F Holdings Report for the quarter ended June 30, 2023 on January 9, 2024, after confidential treatment had expired. As such, the Reporting Person filed an amendment on February 5, 2024, to report what it should have publicly filed on August 10, 2023, with the positions for which it requested confidential treatment omitted, and is filing this amendment to publicly report the positions for which it requested confidential treatment. Please note that this 13F Holdings Report filer is affiliated with MetLife Investment Management, LLC and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company who also file 13F Holdings Reports. Each entity files its own 13F Holdings Report because each entity has investment discretion over certain 13(f) securities reported. All three 13F Holdings Report filers are under common control of their ultimate parent, MetLife, Inc., who files a 13F Combination Report.

Other Included Managers (1):

Num Name Location File Number
1 METLIFE INC New York, NY 028-18621