BlackRock Inc.

Q1 2017 13F Combination Report, Stock Holdings

Signature - Title
/s/ Spencer Fleming - Attorney-In-Fact pursuant to PoA date April 2023
New York, NY
Holdings as of
March 31, 2017
Value $
Num holdings
Date filed
5/12/2017, 04:04 PM
A portion of the US holdings for this investor are reported in this report and a portion are reported by other reporting manager(s). The Form 13F report requires disclosure of the manager that files the report, the name and class of the security, the CUSIP code, the number of shares as of the end of the calendar quarter for which the report is filed, and the total market value. The market value column should not be used as a substitute for Assets Under Management (AUM), as it does not include cash held in accounts.
Previous filing
Q4 2016 - Feb 10, 2017
Options Holdings
Showing stock holdings, see here for options holdings
Filing 2017 Q1 compared to 2016 Q4 by default.
* Reported Price is the price of the security as of the portfolio date. This value is significant in that it is the last known price at which the security was still held.
An asterisk sign (*) next to the price indicates that the price is likely invalid.

Person Signing this Report on Behalf of Reporting Manager:

Name Title City, State Date
/s/ Andrew Crain Attorney-In-Fact pursuant to PoA date October 2015 New York, New York 3/31/2017

BlackRock, Inc. is the parent holding company of certain institutional investment managers. For purposes of the reporting requirements under Section 13(f) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the Act), and the rules promulgated thereunder, BlackRock, Inc. itself does not exercise, and therefore disclaims, investment discretion with respect to any Section 13(f) securities positions over which its investment operating subsidiaries exercise such discretion. To the extent, however, that BlackRock Inc.'s ownership interest in such subsidiaries may nevertheless give rise to a Form 13F obligation on behalf of BlackRock, Inc., the information required by Form 13F is reported herein on behalf of all such subsidiaries.

List of Other Managers Reporting for BlackRock Inc.:

Name Holdings Value Location File Number
RUSSELL FRANK CO/ $56.9B Seattle, WA 028-01190

Other Included Managers (39):

Num Name Location File Number
2 BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
3 BlackRock Investment Management (Taiwan) Limited
4 BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited
5 BlackRock (Channel Islands) Limited
6 BlackRock Asset Management Australia Limited
7 BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited
8 BlackRock (Isle of Man) Limited
9 BlackRock Fund Managers (Isle of Man) Limited
10 BlackRock Investments Canada, Inc.
11 BlackRock Asset Management International Inc
12 BlackRock Hong Kong Ltd
13 BlackRock (Singapore) Limited
14 Blackrock Realty Advisors, Inc.
15 BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Ltd
16 BlackRock Brasil Gestora de Investimentos Ltd.
17 FutureAdvisor, Inc.
18 BlackRock Investment Management, LLC
19 BlackRock Advisors LLC
20 BlackRock Capital Management, Inc.
21 BlackRock Fund Advisors
22 BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A.
23 BlackRock Japan Co. Ltd
24 BlackRock Group LTD
25 BlackRock Fund Managers Limited
26 BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited
27 BlackRock Pensions Limited
28 BlackRock (Netherlands) B.V.
29 BlackRock International Limited
30 BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited
31 BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited
32 BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG
33 BlackRock Asset Management Pensions Limited
34 BlackRock (Luxembourg) S.A.
35 IShares (DE) I InvAG Mit Teilgesellschaftsvermogen
36 BlackRock Life Limited
37 BlackRock Fund Management Company S.A.
38 BlackRock Private Equity Partners AG
39 BlackRock Investment Management (Korea) Ltd.
40 BlackRock Asset Management Schweiz AG