Genesis Asset Managers, LLP

Q2 2015 13F Combination Report, Restatement, Stock Holdings

Signature - Title
Chris Ellyatt - Chief Compliance Officer
Guernsey, Channel Islands, United Kingdom
Holdings as of
June 30, 2015
Value $
Num holdings
Date filed
2/9/2016, 12:24 PM
A portion of the US holdings for this investor are reported in this report and a portion are reported by other reporting manager(s). The Form 13F report requires disclosure of the manager that files the report, the name and class of the security, the CUSIP code, the number of shares as of the end of the calendar quarter for which the report is filed, and the total market value. The market value column should not be used as a substitute for Assets Under Management (AUM), as it does not include cash held in accounts.
Previous filing
Q1 2015 - Feb 9, 2016
Next filing
Q3 2015 - Feb 9, 2016
Filing 2015 Q2 - Restatement compared to 2015 Q1 - Restatement by default.
* Reported Price is the price of the security as of the portfolio date. This value is significant in that it is the last known price at which the security was still held.
An asterisk sign (*) next to the price indicates that the price is likely invalid.

Person Signing this Report on Behalf of Reporting Manager:

Name Title City, State Date
Chris Ellyatt Chief Compliance Officer London, United Kingdom 2/9/2016

This Amendment No. 2 to Form 13F (this "Amendment") is to correct an inadvertent administrative error in the reporting of Column 8 (VOTING AUTHORITY) in the Information Table in Form 13F for the quarter ended June 30, 2015, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 16, 2015 and further amended by Amendment No. 1 to Form 13F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 15, 2015 (collectively, the "Form 13F"), with respect to the voting authority for the following issuers: Alibaba Group, America Movil ADR, Banco Santander Brasil - ADS, Bancolombia ADR, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Companhia Brasileira de Dist, Credicorp (US), Embotelladora Andina ADS Rep B, First Cash Financial Services, Gerdau ADR, Infosys Ltd ADR, Itau Unibanco Holding SA - ADR, Kosmos Energy Ltd, Mindray Medical International - ADR, Platinum Group Metals Ltd, QIWI Plc - ADR, Ternium SA ADR and Ultrapar ADR. This Amendment does not modify any other information set forth in the Form 13F.

Other Included Managers (1):

Num Name Location File Number
1 Genesis Investment Management, LLP London, United Kingdom 028-10955