David Delbos - Insider Trading & Ownership

55 East 52 Nd Street, New York, NY
The estimated net worth of David Delbos is at least $2.31M dollars as of February 2, 2024. David Delbos is the Portfolio Manager of BLACKROCK CORPORATE HIGH YIELD FUND, INC. and owns shares of BLACKROCK CORPORATE HIGH YIELD FUND, INC. (HYT) stock worth about $1.34M. David Delbos is the Portfolio Manager of BLACKROCK DEBT STRATEGIES FUND, INC. and owns shares of BLACKROCK DEBT STRATEGIES FUND, INC. (DSU) stock worth about $502K. David Delbos is the Portfolio Manager of BLACKROCK FLOATING RATE INCOME STRATEGIES FUND, INC. and owns shares of BLACKROCK FLOATING RATE INCOME STRATEGIES FUND, INC. (FRA) stock worth about $269K. David Delbos is the Portfolio Manager of BLACKROCK FLOATING RATE INCOME TRUST and owns shares of BLACKROCK FLOATING RATE INCOME TRUST (BGT) stock worth about $117K. David Delbos is the Portfolio Manager of BLACKROCK Ltd DURATION INCOME TRUST and owns shares of BLACKROCK Ltd DURATION INCOME TRUST (BLW) stock worth about $82.9K.
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Ownership of David Delbos

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* An asterisk sign (*) next to the price indicates that the price is likely invalid.