P. Bradley Adams - Insider Trading & Ownership

5100 W. 115 Th Place, Leawood, KS
The estimated net worth of P. Bradley Adams is at least $219K dollars as of December 18, 2024. P. Bradley Adams is the Chief Executive Officer of TORTOISE ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE CORP and owns shares of TORTOISE ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE CORP (TYG) stock worth about $103K. P. Bradley Adams is the Chief Executive Officer of ECOFIN SUSTAINABLE & SOCIAL IMPACT TERM FUND and owns shares of ECOFIN SUSTAINABLE & SOCIAL IMPACT TERM FUND (TEAF) stock worth about $43K. P. Bradley Adams is the Chief Executive Officer of TORTOISE POWER & ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE FUND INC and owns shares of TORTOISE POWER & ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE FUND INC (TPZ) stock worth about $33K. P. Bradley Adams is the Chief Executive Officer of Tortoise Midstream Energy Fund, Inc. and owns shares of Tortoise Midstream Energy Fund, Inc. (NTG) stock worth about $24.1K. P. Bradley Adams is the Chief Executive Officer of TORTOISE ENERGY INDEPENDENCE FUND, INC. and owns shares of TORTOISE ENERGY INDEPENDENCE FUND, INC. (NDP) stock worth about $9.2K. P. Bradley Adams is the Chief Executive Officer of TORTOISE PIPELINE & ENERGY FUND, INC. and owns shares of TORTOISE PIPELINE & ENERGY FUND, INC. (TTP) stock worth about $7.3K.
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Ownership of P. Bradley Adams

Insider Transactions Reported by P. Bradley Adams:

Sym Company Class Transaction % Value $ * Price $ Shares Shares After Date Ownership
* An asterisk sign (*) next to the price indicates that the price is likely invalid.